(ain't this cute I found it under some comments)
Meet Ponyo! He/She's one of the 4 hamsters ashley found yesterday. Its an Angora Syrian Hamster (aka teddybear syrian) and its around twice the size of my dwarf hamsters. The fur really feels like my teddybear's fur O: I got a shock when Ashley brought it to me in a plastic bag cause I didn't expect it to be so big!
Why Ponyo? Cause ponyo is cute. Its also because I watched Ponyo today and its my first movie of the year! (I only watched one last year -__-) Which would help remind me in the future that 16th January 2009 was the last day of our JAE admission thingy.
I think I'll give it some other names in the future (like chloe zoe and cody poldy or hamice clarice or Ashley Lesley) Wanted to name it PIGGY at first cause it looks like a guinea pig but Ashley said 'no...lol'. Yeah I think its cuter than a pig anyway. Ashley kept one and she's starting to love it alot too :]
Ponyo is currently occupying Chloe's cage while the spinning runt has got a pail for temporary shelter cause of the lack of cages (lent ashley one to house hers) It got a red pail while I was washing the BIG cage and stuffed the sunflower seeds WITH their shells into its mouth -__-
So that's one more hamster in my house :D (there's 8 hamsters in total now). I wanted it very much cause I've never seen a real syrian before and also because I heard that they'll kill the hamsters after they're brought to SPCA ):
awww so ke ai!
love its fur colour ^_^
Hmm, a little dark here. Can somebody tell me why the photos would turn out darker when I increase the shutter speed?? But still very cute :P
I tried to put the hamster leash on it but it doesn't work cause it'll just squirm its way out. Did I tell you we almost lost it?? We turned our attention away from him just for a few seconds and POOF! It was gone! I found it in the dining room afterwards, phew.
Lesson learnt? PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CAGES ARE SHUT TIGHT. If they manage to escape then goodluck to you.
ANYWAY, Riane came over in the afternoon and we made some chocolate ice blended drinks again!
Approx. 260 ml milk, 28 cubes ice, > 6 tbsp chocolate syrup makes 2.5 cups of it!
It tasted better today, cause yesterday's was not sweet enough.
I just poked that nozzle in (if that's what you call it) and my "spraying" skills are still awful.
with coca powder this time \m/
Mhmm, then we caught abit of Spirited Away on my com and headed to Tampines mall to watch the 4:40 pm show for PONYO ON THE CLIFF BY THE SEA/ Gake no Ue no Ponyo / 崖の上のポニョ. Sweetened Popcorn and Hot cheese Nachos is currently on my favourites list!

Some CD image album cover which I like alot :D
The storyline was really simple but unlike Kiki's delivery service, it wasn't that heartwarming and endearing. It feels as if Ponyo's cuteness was the highlight of the show...PONYO IS SERIOUSLY VERY CUTE THOUGH. Moreover, the animation isn't as nice as the previous movies. Spirited Away's animations were breathtaking. (Especially Yubaba's room and the clouds) Hmm, and I think its rather weird that the boy (sousuke) calls his mom and dad by their names cause its not a Japanese culture at all.
I've read from some online forums that Sousuke was modelled after his own son, maybe that's the reason for this weird equal status thingy. His son realeased Tales from Earthsea even though he said he's not ready for it yet. But eh, I've got nothing much to comment on this since I haven't even watched the movie yet heh..
I think his other animation works were better. Actually, Ponyo was only written and directed by him cause the animation seems to be done by a different person, please correct me if I'm wrong. Nonetheless, Ponyo is still a lighthearted animation suitable for people of all ages I'd say. Whoever said animations were only for kids???
Ah, the cinema was abit too cold, Riane and I were shivering throughout the show even with our jackets on -__-
Mmm I don't know why I've got so much bad stuff to say today, I enjoyed it watching it and its the first time I watched a Studio Ghibli film on the silver screen! (actually, do they still use silver screens??)
The song is indeed really catchy and addictive like I've heard from others. Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo sakana no ko~~~
LYRICS First link I found on google with translations.
Ponyo is so cute aww. I like her high-pitched voice, especially when she says "SOUSUKE DAIII SUKIIIII!!!!"
Whatever it is I'll always support Studio Ghibli flims 8D
Oh, I found the ponyo songs in that "Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli best album" piano book I bought!!
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